Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Joy of Cleaning

I know what you're thinking. Cleaning? Joy? What the fuck.

Well, I'm here to tell you: there is much joy from finding things you've completely forgotten you had; finding things you forgot you missed; finding something you were looking for and yelling 'SERENDIPITY!'; or, in some cases, finding exactly what you were looking for after a tiring three-day search.

What, you may ask, has made me so overly dramatic?

Let's start from the beginning shall we?

Last weekend I went over to my bestie's place. She showed me her newly cleaned room, her dinosohs, and best of all? Her Pokémon cards. She gave me a Pokémon poster before I left. It inspired me to find my own Pokémon card collection.

I slept restlessly that night, and for a couple others that week as well.

I decided to clean out my closet, to start my search of Pokémon cards. I was quite thorough; going through every box that dwelled behind the closet's sliding door. I found some things for charity; I found some things for the dumpster. I also found a Pikachu plush toy. Quite a cute one too. I also found a very small Togepi and an equally small Snubbull. I put each of these Pokémon toys to the side, and continued on the journey through my closet. A few hours later, I found another Pikachu toy; one that makes noise when you squeeze it. About the size of Togepi and Snubbull. I also eventually found a Pikachu keychain with 2000 written across its belly, and a Pikachu bouncy ball. The last thing I found that day was a NINTENDO bag, containing a Game Boy ADVANCE, and a Game Boy ADVANCE SP, along with the few game cartridges I had managed to purchase in the short time that I was preoccupied with the little contraption.

The best find of the day? My pokedex. From 1999. Original batteries. Still fucking works. They don't make toys like they used to anymore.

I did not find my Pokémon cards.

I was up, tossing and turning a bit during that night, but took comfort in my pokedex and my geekocity.

The next day, I woke up and walked into the master bedroom. I saw many of my books strewn around the room. Since I no longer have room on my bookshelf, the books I'd recently bought had taken residence where ever they happened to fall. I decided tidying up the master bedroom may help me on my journey to Pokemon cards. I did quite a good job of cleaning up, if I do say so myself. I reorganized things that were in dire need of reorganization.

I did not find my Pokémon cards.

That night, I was very restless. I continued to worry if I had perhaps sold them, accidentally, in the garage sale my family held several years back. Or perhaps I had left them in the garage when we moved? I went to school, a bit grudgingly, for I wanted to finish my seemingly endless search. I relaxed as soon as I saw my newest friend, who greeted me with a smile and a hug.

When I got home, I took a nap. It wasn't a very good one, because nightmares of me, selling my most favoured Pokémon cards for half a dollar haunted every crevice of my mind. I woke up and went into the smaller bedroom to look in the boxes under the bed. I searched every one; organized what I had found in every single one. When I was finished, nothing remained under the bed. What did that mean? It meant that the room that held the highest chance of possessing my Pokémon cards was now eliminated.

Depressed, but seemingly on a mission to finish what I started, I began to look through the boxes under the bed in the master bedroom. The first one - an old pair of swimming shoes. The second one - some very old paper work, a dirty plastic cup, and some paper bags. The third one?

The third box I opened automatically looked promising. After digging around a bit, I found an old hermit crab cage. Inside the opening at the top of the hermit crab cage, I saw . . .

My Pokémon cards!

The look of pure, childish joy on my teenage face was nothing compared to the feeling of relief, love, and yes, JOY that I held on the inside.

My parents' joy was short lived. I had cleaned half of the apartment looking for my Pokémon cards. But I had found my Pokémon cards. I no longer had incentive to clean.

And this, my friends, is my heartwarming story about cleaning, treasures, and ultimately; POKEMON.

Go find something you used to collect! It's worth it, and it brings back great memories!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Check out Kelly's Keychains~

~on Facebook and enter to win a Grab Bag of Kawaii Goodies!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted on here, hasn't it *sad face* I'll get back to it when things quiet down, I promise! And I'm sure no one cares. If, on the off chance anyone is reading this, shut up. I'm posting things thing for myself! Perhaps as a reminder to GET BACK TO BLOGGING.

Anyway, to check out Kelly's amazing key chains, just go to the link I've provided below:
[ ]

I'm blogging this because I really want to win, so don't judge me! No one reads this anyway, so I'm sure no one will haha! I wish more people followed my blog *super sad face* I spend a lot of time on it. Perhaps I'll just have to get with the program and get a tumblr *ugh*

Anyway, I've been following Kelly's Keychains for quite a while now on deviantART and etsy.

@dA, Kelly's Keychains is - [ ]
@etsy, go to - [ ]

If you go through the stuff, you'll see that the things she creates are super kawaii! Like . . . "Love in a Bottle" on her deviantART? Yeah, I died from the cuteness with that one. If you go through her gallery and don't die from all the cuteness, you're heartless (which may be for the better).

Anyway, it's dinner time now and my mom is going to kill me if I continue to be on the computer for much longer. Hopefully I'll post again soon but until then, best wishes!

What are you still reading this for? Quit wasting your time with the fine print, and go check out Kelly's Keychains!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Silly Bandz!

Emi Oyamada

So, I'm making this blog post because I really want a free pack of silly bandz, but I'm sure twenty people have probably emailed them by now, considering how popular they are! I'm trying anyway haha!

I love silly bandz and I am addicted. It's sort of embarrassing, seeing as how I'm going to turn seventeen in two months.

Rob Croak is an epic name, and it's very fitting considering he made the most epic kiddy fad since . . . I don't know, POKEMON CARDS? Honestly, the way I describe silly bandz is: Silly bandz are like Pokemon cards. No one really knows what to do with them, but they collect the cute ones anyway.

Now, this is sort of funny. I live in Ohio, and my mom and I love taking rides. So I'm not just saying this because it's required to say it in order to get a free pack of silly bandz. But anyway, my mom and I took a ride in the country side of Toledo, Ohio just yesterday while I was waiting for it to be time to pick up my best friend for the midnight showing of Eclipse. My mom has a 1992 Toyota Camry, and Toyotas are pretty fuel efficient. Since this one is so old, not so much. But still, it gets pretty good milage. Either way, my mom and I are pretty much gas guzzlers ourselves. We always take rides along the country side in Ohio to look at the scenery. It's really a great thing to do, if your parents are cool enough to not mind "wasting" gas. It really makes you appreciate nature too.

I'm no nature freak, though. I still eat meat like any smart human being. To stay alive, you know. I'm allergic to soy, anyway. If I was a vegetarian (I'm not even going to talk about vegan; that would be ridiculous) I would die. Literally, no meat? I would literally die. I'm not being over dramatic, believe it or not. Soy is a vegetarian's main source of protein, and cheese just don't cut it! (haha cut . . . cheese . . . sorry). Peanut butter is also great for vegetarians, but I'm severely allergic to peanuts. I'm allergic to soy, along with eggs, milk, wheat, nuts, and not to mention a million different environmental allergies. HAH! If you're wondering, yeah. Allergies are a sign of a poor immune system, and that describes me to a T.

Some people are surprised that I'm not a vegetarian, though. Especially when they see my reactions to road kill. Especially if I'm the reason for the road kill! I honestly have a panic attack if it's my fault. Not kidding.

Anyway, the Eclipse movie is really great. I sort of got over Twilight ever since Catherine Hardwicke destroyed all of Stephanie Meyer's values in Twilight. I was so annoyed by that one. Honestly, though (sorry I keep saying honestly, but honestly, it's true haha!) David Slade is an EPIC movie director. He made me love Twilight again. He totally changed my mind about all the actors and actresses in the movies! He obviously directed the actors correctly, because they could actually act the way they were supposed to. David Slade you're my hero! So is Rob Croak, though. I wish I had had the idea of animal shaped rubber bands. So simple, so smart!

Enough of my rants though, right? I'm sure I'm annoying anyone who would care enough to read this whole thing. Have a great summer, everyone!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Broken Pencil of Annoying


So I go to a special school for . . . delinquents, pregnant girls, kids with . . . kids, and well, basically for kids who don't fit in in traditional schooling.

If you have to ask, no, I'm not pregnant and I'm not a delinquent. I get migraines, and traditional school just doesn't work out for me.

Everything is done online, but there are obviously some things you have to do with paper and pencil.

I had to work on this annoying worksheet about note taking; there were no pencils. There were, actually, but they weren't sharpened. I couldn't find a sharpener either.

Eventually, I found a pencil. After three minutes of using it (equivalent to about one sentence), the lead breaks. Remember: no sharpener? So for more than an hour, I'm sitting there using this broken pencil trying to shove the lead back in. It worked for a while, but when I was on the last question, the lead would just not stay in. It was really quiet in the room, and no one was getting up. Obviously, I didn't want to just randomly get up in class to find a new pencil.

Then: Perfect timing, someone gets up to get his worksheet checked by the teacher. Perfect timing for me to get a new pencil. Luckily, I found one that was sharpened. The only one. And it had no eraser. Whatever. So I used that one, and it got dull super quick. The writing was so dull, you can barely read it.

Just to let you all know, never, ever, ever, EVER buy Office Depot brand pencils. They suck.

Anyway, I finished that worksheet and then the power went out about fifteen minutes before school was over. The power came back on pretty quick, but everyone else just started stalling . . . so I did too until I could leave. Haha. Yeah.

Bye losers
p.s., remember to never buy Office Depot pencils. They suck. They really do.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Global Warming

Emi Oyamada

If we didn't have cars, electricity, basically any technology at all, the world would still be warming up.

Imagine, we're all cavemen and cavewomen, living in caves and using fire for heat and to cook. The world would still be warming up, or cooling off. 'Climate Change'. Whatever. Well, instead of, like now, blaming car emissions, we would be blaming fire. Instead of people saying we should use over-priced hybrids, they would tell us to cut down on fire. Any lost toes due to frost bite would simply be a step towards helping the environment, saving the future for the next generation, and preserving the Earth.

Sound familiar? Yeah.

Global warming/"climate change" does not exist the way the media says it does. Yes, the world is "warming up" or "cooling off", I'm sure. But I don't think it's due to car emissions or any of our current technology.

The universe is ever-expanding (if the big-bang theory is in fact, true), so who is to say they truly understand the universe's ever-expanding trends? I'm sure the Earth has certain patterns. For example, it's possible every fifty-or-so years the Earth gets warmer or colder. This winter, where I currently live, we had record snowfall. We beat the record from 1910. One hundred years ago, precisely. Coincidence? I doubt it. And is it really global warming when I'm talking about record snow fall? No.

It's been proven that the Earth warms up when the sun has an occurence known as a solar flare. So until there is some hard proof (besides that it's been "hotter" lately), stop pushing global warming.

Yes, we should use hybrids. No, they shouldn't be so expensive. The technology for hydro-powered cars has been around for decades. Hydro-powered would surely be better than hybrids. Are they available to the public? Not really. Are hybrids? Yes. But why should we buy a hybrid car if we can get something for much cheaper? We're currently in a very bad financial fix in America and we can't just go around spending loads of cash on a car that may or may not help our environment.

Stop whining about global warming and go help some starving orphans living on your own streets. Trust me, they're everywhere. So rather than help some polar bear that's thriving in some other country, lets help the hungry that are in our own country first. Then we can help out some other country. Honestly.

Sorry for the rant,


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time is Running Out


Well, it's about time I found a new blog name. It only took me two hours to figure out a very non-witty url. I am honestly ashamed of myself about it.

If you'd like an explanation for it, I'm perfectly capable of supplying you with one. The fact remains that it is quite cliche. Again, ashamed. Really.

Anyhoo, no one is going to read this, except for the people I force. So . . . anyone who would care enough about the URL name would figure out that's how I spell my damn name. E-M-I. Ee-Em-Eye. Woah-so-cool-way-not-cliche (I wish)

Not really in the mood of keeping up my 'ranting' thing. It's ten pm and I suppose this blog post will be too long for most people to read anyway, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. I'm not really ahead though, am I? Screw it.

p.s., Silly Bandz are the most epic thing ever made. I have way too many of them and have completely wasted my money.